
Monday, June 13, 2011

I didn't want to write this post

But....I have to. It's time.

I am hanging up my camera.


And, it's not because I want to. It's because I have to.

I have mentioned on my facebook more than one time that some changes were coming and since then I have been putting off writing this post. Well, I can't wait another day.

I am hanging up my camera so that I can devote more time and energy to the Arkansas Crisis Center. I will be doing some training at the end of this week to prepare myself for the changes ahead. A few weeks ago I received an invitation in the mail from them to join the development advisory committee and I am jumping at the chance. For the last four years I have longed to be in a position to devote hours and days of my time supporting suicide awareness and prevention programs. Those of you who know me well know just how much this means to me. I have prayed about it, cried about it, and patiently waited on the right time.

Well, that time is now.

Suicide awareness, education, and prevention are at the core of my heart and I am super excited about this opportunity.

I have also been in discussion with the Crisis Center about facilitating a survivor group for youth. I literally fell into this while looking for a group for Kendall to participate in here in Northwest Arkansas. There are none. Not a single support group specific to suicide loss for children. One question led to another. There a still some details that need to be worked out, but if it all comes together, I will be leading this group and doing the kind of volunteer work my heart aches to do.

With all that said, there is no way I can volunteer for the Crisis Center, work my full time job at the Northwest Arkansas Children's Shelter, do photography on my days off (and on some days I work!!) and still be a fully functioning member of my family. There just aren't enough hours in the day or days in the week for all I want to be doing. I have thought long and hard about this and this is the decision I have come to.

*If you have a session already booked with me, you don't need to worry. I will be making every appt. I have previously made.

*I will not be seeking new clients for any sessions after July.

*This doesn't mean I won't be doing *any* sessions at all. If you REALLY want me to do your photos, call me and we'll talk about it. I take cookies as a form of payment. :)

*I won't be doing any pro work or adding anything else to my pro portfolio for at least the next year.

*I will, however, be doing some hobby work, including chasing my children around with a camera in my face. :)

Please don't freak out and call me crazy for this decision. I have already had to explain myself to a few people who can't quite understand why I would quit doing something that I love so much. Trust me, this wasn't an easy decision. And, I hadn't truly made up my mind until I found myself crying in my husband's arms yesterday because I was so exhausted.

Working night shift full time, doing photography part time, taking care of a home and family, and trying to maintain some sort of a routine definitely isn't for sissies!!! :)