
Thursday, April 14, 2011

about this blog: a warning

This blog contains things that most would consider "sensitive material".

In fact, I think I would even consider this blog "adult only".

It's your call.

Here's the deal....

I write about some really difficult issues.





Some of my posts contain bad words.

Really bad words.

Sometimes, lots of them.

I will not censor my posts for you.

However, you DO have a choice in this.

You can choose not to read here.

I don't care either way.

This blog is not about you, it's about me.

I am sorry if this offends any of you, but I am not going to make myself into something I'm not just to make you feel better, or because I am scared of what you might think of me.

I am 35 years old, I write about some really strong emotions, and you know what?

Sometimes the word shit or damn expresses exactly what you are trying to say.

Yes, I have been to Hell and lived to tell you about it, but I have also had some AMAZING times in my life.

I have a wonderful, loving husband and three kids who are the very reason I get out of bed everyday.

So, if you can overlook an occasional bad word, get your cup of coffee, or your cup of tea, a big box of Kleenex and hang around for awhile.

You might find you actually like it here.

jackie :)

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